Expert physician Dr. A. Rajashekar providing exceptional care
MBBS, MS, Mch(Ped.Sur) (Gold Medalist) Pals
DR. A. Rajashekar

15+ years of experience in field of surgery, with a track record of 5000+ Surgeries.
Our Specialties:
* Congenital diseases in infants
* Gastrointestinal diseases
* Absence of cure
* Immature bowel in infants
* Absence of hepatic duct
* Bleeding in stool
* Breathing – the joining of the tubes
Urinary Tract Diseases in Children:
* Improper urinary tract
* Absence of sperm in the testicle
* Urinary tract inflammation
* Difficulty in the urinary tract
* Urinary tract infection lack of urinary control
Chest Diseases:
* Concomitant respiratory tract
* An abscess in the chest where the diaphragm is not formed
Tumors in Children:
* Urinary embryo, spore tumors
Common Pediatric Surgeries: hernia , hydrocele- cyst.